www.zakon.kz Costs for construction of “WE-WC” corridor will be repaid within the framework of SCO agreement
www.kazinform.kz. Construction of two sections of WE-WC corridor in Zhambyl region will be completed till the end of this year
The website of the newspaper "People's Daily»: www.russian.people.com.cn Kazakhstan section of "Western Europe-Western China" corridor will be put into operation in 2017
Website of Rossiyskaya Gazeta (Russian Newspaper)»: www.rg.ru Transit is not up to the task. Highway Construction «Western Europe – Western China” is getting protracted
www.bnews.kz. New bus routes go from Kyzylorda to regional centers through "WE - WC" highway
More than 800 km of "Western Europe - Western China" highway were put into operation in 2013
Parliament Deputies visited some sections of Republican roads under construction during their meetings with voters in the country’s regions.
The second investment forum "Baikonur" was held on 13-14 November 2013 in Kyzylorda during which the prospects of roads development in Kazakhstan, as well as the creation of roadside service along "Western Europe - Western China" highway were discussed