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www.zakon.kz Costs for construction of “WE-WC” corridor will be repaid within the framework of SCO agreement

Construction costs of "Western Europe - Western China" transport corridor will be repaid at the expense of transportation, which will be implemented within the framework of the SCO agreement "On the creation of favorable conditions for international road freight", informed Mr. Shahrat Nuryshev, National Coordinator from the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning the activities of the SCO, today at the briefing of Central Communication Division, conveys the official website of the Prime Minister.

"We hope that the transport-transit potential that exists in Kazakhstan and those costs that are laid for the construction of the transcontinental highway eventually will be repaid at the expense of transport haulage, which will be carried out on these roads," - said Sh.Nuryshev.

According to him, this agreement requires ratification.

"Attached to this international agreement, there are 6 international corridors that pass through the territories of the SCO member states. As part of this agreement it is planned to establish a joint commission comprising representatives of all six member states. The Joint Commission will consider quotas to be allocated to Member States for road transportation", - said the coordinator under the SCO issues.

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