Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > Mass media about the project > The second investment forum "Baikonur" was held on 13-14 November 2013 in Kyzylorda during which the prospects of roads development in Kazakhstan, as well as the creation of roadside service along "Western Europe - Western China" highway were discussed
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The second investment forum "Baikonur" was held on 13-14 November 2013 in Kyzylorda during which the prospects of roads development in Kazakhstan, as well as the creation of roadside service along "Western Europe - Western China" highway were discussed

The Organizer of the Forum was Kyzylorda oblast Akimat with the support of KAZNEX INVEST. The purpose of the Forum is to attract additional financial resources for the development of the region, as well as the modern technology transfer and the improvement of the investment climate in the region.

The event was attended by representatives of the Business Community, Banking sector, Government agencies, Development institutions, National companies, Research institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and of other countries, as well as the heads of Kyzylorda oblast branch of "NC"KazAvtoZhol" JSC and General Contractors involved in the implementation of the "Western Europe - Western China" project.

Participants obtained information about the priorities of the regional economy development, large-scale investment projects, region’s competitive advantages, as well as State support measures of investments and new technologies in the Forum.

The issues of signing of a memorandum with "Sberbank of Russia" JSC about opening of branches in Kyzylorda and Baikonur; memorandum with "Eurasian Bank" JSC about cooperation; Agreements for construction of a new passenger terminal in Kyzylorda airport, as well as the creation of roadside service along the "Western Europe - Western China" highway have been worked out.

Mr. S. Ablaliyev, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Roads Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan,  reported on "Prospects of roads development in the Republic of Kazakhstan".

Website of "Kazavtozhol”JSC: www.kazuatozhol.kz

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