The main agenda of the meeting: 1. Presentation and discussion of the Consolidated National report of Transparency and Sustainable Development (hereinafter - NECTSD) and 2. Introduction of "KazAvtoZhol" JSC to the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation
Representatives of "KazAvtoZhol" JSC, Committee for Roads of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan, OSCE office in Kazakhstan, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Non-Governmental organizations, Project Management consultants and Construction supervision consultants attended in the meeting.
Ms. Jeannette Kloetzer, Deputy Head of the OSCE Centre in Astana, delivered welcome speech in the meeting. Mr. Yuri Krivodanov, Head of the NECTSD Secretariat was a keynote spokesperson on the agenda issues was who briefly reported on the main results of the NECTSD for the period from July 2012 to August 2013. (The full text of the Consolidated National Report of Transparency and Sustainable Development is posted on our website).
After the spokesperson presentation Mr. Arystanov and Ms. Dzhetpisova, representatives of the World Bank, and Ms. Saveliyeva, Social Development Specialist of “SAI Consulting” (PMC) expressed their views and comments about some points of the report and about NECTSD activity as a whole. Mr. Alexander Peychev, Head of economy and ecology of the OSCE center in Astana, asked important questions on the pilot project. In conclusion Mr. Issaliyev, Head of the Public Monitoring Group of "NAIR" NGO said that "Society shall not remain aside, but shall be actively involved in such projects". Thereon, the pilot project has completed and all points of the NECTSD plan have been implemented.
Reference: In June 2013 Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation in respect of Republic of Kazakhstan roads construction and reconstruction projects, which aims to improve the quality of life of people whose interests are affected by roads construction and reconstruction projects in whole Republic.
The World Bank is considering the possibility to provide grant from the Institutional Development Fund to finance project of improvement of the roads administration system management from users side.