The construction has been completed for the last 36 kilometers of concrete road for the section “Border of Kyrgyzstan By-Pass – Zhambyl Oblast” informs the distributed blog-post. If you remember since summer 2012 traffic for all vehicles along the route “Almaty-Taraz-Shymkent” within the road section “Kainar-Oital” in Zhambyl Oblast was closed due to the fact that the road was partially passing through the territory of the neighbouring Kirgizia. As the result, after its closing, people had to go through Chu, passing additional 57 km. The design for reconstruction, which we developed last year, proposed construction of a new road approximately of the same length, but in diversion of the territory of the neighbouring country.
At present all this new road section has already been constructed. Traffic along this section will be open by 16th of December. Tentatively by that time concrete will become strong for the last 36 kilometers, as well as the works will be completed for a new built five bridge span across Chu River with the length of 125 m. As the result the route from Almaty to Taraz will be reduced for 57 km.
If one can speak overall about the progress of construction of the main line ‘Western Europe –Western China”, at present the plan for this year has been executed, with planned 700 km the construction works have been completed for more than 800 km. These sections are in Zhambyl, South-Kazakhstan and Kyzylorda Regions, the traffic is gradually open for them.
This year enormous work has been performed. 35 thousand people took part in construction of the main line, millions tons of building materials were used. Just imagine: more than 24 million cubic meters of earth have been transported during this season – it is about 3.4 million of KamAZ trucks, about 13 million cubic meters or more than 200 thousand wagons of inert materials, as well as more than 500 thousand tons of cement, which would be sufficient for construction of 118 sixteen-storey buildings.
To carry out an instruction of the Head of our country, in accordance with the plan for the next year, we should pit into commission 806 km of the road “Western Europe – Western China”. Considering such high demand in building materials, the Committee for Roads has been instructed to develop time-table of activities for preparation for a new construction season, taking into account the capacity of the existing plants and the required resources for transportation of building materials».