As it was informed before, information tour for Kazakhstan Section of Western Europe – Western China International Transit Corridor started on 23rd of October. Representatives of republican and regional mass media, scientists-archeologists, honorable road-builders, bloggers, public activists, honored art workers. They continue familiarization with road construction work progress, plants and laboratories, which have been put into operation since implementation of the International Project “Western Europe – Western China”.
As pres-service of the department informs, today is the final day of information tour “New Silk Way”. Bus with the participants of the tour has gone along prepared road segment near Kulan village, having opened traffic there. On the road the participants have been met by Leonid Strelski, leader of the company “Kazakhdorstroi”, which has built this road section, where the traffic has started. He told that the project provided diversion road, which was able to relieve traffic flow, passing through Kulan village.
According to him about 4000 vehicles a day are passing here. Before they had to go through the settlement, and now they can go straight. It will favourably influence over the safety and environment of the village. Overpass, included into the project for construction of diversion road, will allow passing for transit transport in the required direction, and provide local community with safe and impeded access to the village by federal road. The journalists have met the participants of the information tour on the overpass, through which traffic will start from this day.
Later, Mr. Azat Bekturov, Vice Minister of Transport and Communications of the RK, met with the team of information tour “New Silk Way”. He handed them in letters of thans on behalf of Mr. Askar Zhumagaliev, Minister of Transport, and thanked them for participation in the Project.
Reconstruction of main road “Western Europe – Western China” started in 2009 initiated by Nursultan Nazarbayev, the Head of the State. It was him who five centuries later proposed to revive the idea of “Great Silk Way” – trade arterial, which connected West and East. As the result, a number of memorandums has been signed with neighbouring states, and an agreement has been achieved regarding implementation of the project.
For Kazakhstan this project is attractive as from the point of view for implementation of transit potential of the country, as the establishment of safe transport link for southern and western regions of the Republic.
It is important to mention that “Western Europe – Western China” is the fastest way for freight transportation from China to Europe. It takes 10 days to сcover this distance along the Corridor, meanwhile it takes 15 days along the railroad and 45 days by seaway.
The length of Kazakhstan segment of International transit Corridor “Western Europe – Western China” is 2 787 km, including 2 452 km, which are subject to reconstruction. Now the works are in progress on the territory of 4 regions: Aktobe, Kyzylorda, Zhambyl and South-Kazakhstan. Construction works cover 1 621 km for 34 road sections. To date the road section Karabutak – Irgiz – Border of Kyzylorda Oblast has already been put into operation with the length of 215 km. The construction works have been planned to complete for 700 km in the current year. Full completion of the construction for Kazakhstan segment and putting into operation have been planned for 2015.