Completion of overall mobilization for road-building equipment for South-Kazakhstan section was planned to the end of July 2011. However, out of total required amount for 1241 units, only 979 units are available, which undoubtedly influenced over common outline for execution of timing schedules.
So, as per status for August 22, 2011, CJSC “Dena Rahsaz”, instead of prescribed 269 units of equipment, has mobilized only 221 units. South-Korean company “Posco” needs 65 units of equipment more, including dozers, graders and other machinery.
Contractor JV “Copri/Seiser” does not have sufficient number of dumpers. Overall the company should mobilize more than 20 units of equipment of various applications.
Azerbaidjan-Turkey Joint Venture “Azerkorpu/Tepe”, executing construction of Sairam section in South-Kazakhstan Oblast, is expecting the arrival of the large number of dumpers, experiencing acute shortage, which is connected with the construction of a large-scale interchange.
Chinese company “Sinohydro” has such type of equipment in redundant number, which instead of calculated 53 units has mobilized 85 units. However, because of lack of organization of the managing staff there are frustrations of timing schedules.
Korean company “Kukdong” is in problem situation with mobilization of equipment. Only one third of the required number of dumpers has been involved in its sites. There is also insufficient number of other machinery. That is, plan for mobilization has been executed just for 38.8%. Today the company has a new Project Manager, who makes his own corrections for management in construction.