The meeting for Project implementation “Western Europe – Western China” for Kyzylorda Oblast was held on May 19, 2011 at the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the RK, presided by Berik Kamaliyev, Minister of Transport and Communications, with the participation of the representatives of Contractors, Project management Consultant and Construction Supervision Consultant.
Zamir Saginov, Chairman of the Committee for Roads, in his speech dwelled on key issues of the Project implementation. As he mentioned, total length of the Corridor, subjected to reconstruction in Kyzylorda Oblast, is 812 km. Throughout the route the works are executed by 5 Contractors (JSC “Salini” – 410km, JV “Akkord/Okan” – 107km, JSC “Impresa” – 50km, JSC “Azercorpu” – 28km, JSC “Todini” – 217km). Works for the territory of the above Oblast were started in 2010. During the last period Contractors drew 46 billion tenge. The works have been executed for arrangement of 197 km of the new road with arrangement of binder course of asphalt concrete coating.
In the current year it is planned to draw 79.9 billion tenge and construct 730 km of a new road (I technical category - 275 km, II technical category - 455 km).
Directors of Regional Departments of Committee for Roads and directors of branches JSC “Todini”, JSC “Azercorpu”, JSC “Salini”, “JV Akkord/Okan” LLP, JSC “Impresa” also reported regarding it. The meeting resulted in signing the Minutes.
During the meeting the Head of Transport Office has expressed his serious remarks to the address of those Contractors, who tolerate systematic backlogs of time schedule and do not make any definite conclusions, caused by them.
Minister has instructed the Committee for Roads to make comprehensive conclusions and take measures for rectifying the situation for timely and qualitative execution of the stated quantities.
Minister Kamaliyev B. Has also instructed the directors of Karaganda, North-Kazakhstan and Kyzylorda Regional Department of the Committee for Roads to take the required measures for operative issuing permission for land resources use for soil by Contractors.
Project Management Consultant and Construction Supervision Consultant have been instructed till May 26 of the current year to prepare the required documents for Contract termination with “Impresa”, issue notifications to the Contractors, frustrating schedules for procurement of road building materials and mobilization of equipment.