On behalf of the head of the MIID RK, Kairbek Uskenbayev, the chairman of the Committee for Roads, T. Abdullin, inspected “Aktobe-Kandyagash-Makat”, “Atyrau-border of RF (to Astrakhan)” road projects.
Regarding the reconstruction of “Aktobe-Kandygash” section, it should be noted that 5,785 thousand m3 of subgrade was laid on this section, an additional base layer was laid at 28.5 km. At 28 km, the lower base layer was laid, at 26.5 km the upper base layer was laid, and also at 22.5 km the binder course was laid. In total, the project requires laying 1,160 thousand tons of asphalt concrete. To date, 288 thousand have been laid. Traffic is open for 41 km along one lane. Until the end of the year, it is planned to resume traffic for another 16 km.
As for “Kandyagash-Makat” section, the passage is fully provided for 299 km. Work is currently underway to improve the road. On “Atyrau-border of RF (to Astrakhan)” road section until the end of this year, traffic will be opened on 130 km out of 277 km. Full completion of the project is scheduled for 2023.
Also on this day, Tolegen Abdullin held a meeting with contractors and representatives of the regional branches of the National Company “KazAvtoZhol”, the National Center for the Quality of Road Assets, as well as construction supervision consultants. Following the meeting, the Chairman of the Committee instructed the contractors to ensure the readiness of the sites for operation in the winter. In addition, they were tasked with ensuring the procurement of road construction materials for the 2023 construction season. Including, taking into account the use of polymer-modified bitumen for the wearing course.
Also, the representative of the Committee instructed to ensure the safe and uninterrupted passage of vehicles at “Aktobe-Kandyagash” section. At “Kandyagash-Makat” section it was instructed to eliminate defects that affect traffic safety until October 25 this year.
“We are faced with the task of completing the construction of road maintenance points in Shubarkuduk and Nogaity villages. It is necessary to make road furniture and road markings, bring the elements of curved beams, snow protection fences into line, eliminate all previously identified defects, as well as clear the riverbeds on artificial structures and mow the grass on the roadsides,” T. Abdullin noted.
By the way, the responsibility for monitoring the timely and high-quality performance of construction and installation works, as well as strengthening control over the fulfillment of contractual obligations by contractors, is assigned to construction supervision consultants.