The Source of Photograph: MIID RK
The large-scale implementation of the road projects continues under Nurly Zhol Government Program. The reconstruction covered 4,400 km in this year. The Minister of Industry and Infrastructural Development Roman Sklyar said this speaking at the meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
“Construction works will be commenced on the road sections from Karaganda to Almaty and from Aktobe to the border of the Russian Federation (to Astrakhan). It is planned to open traffic on 654 km of reconstructed roads by the end of the year. 1,600 km of roads will be repaired” - Mr. Sklyar said.
The Republic of Kazakhstan ranks 59th in WEF GCI rating for condition of the roads (based on statistical indicators) and 106th for people’s satisfaction level with the condition of the local roads (based on survey findings). In this regard, in order to develop the interregional infrastructure, financing of the local road network in 2018 on a parity basis has come to KZT156 billion, what allowed to repair more than 4,000 km.
“Starting from this year, we are moving from expensive capital projects mainly to economical, average repair by cold recycling. According to the instructions issued by the President at the Nur Otan Party Congress, financing of the development of local road networks will be increased up to KZT200 billion annually. These measures will allow repairing about 35,000 km and improving 95% of the local roads by the end of 2025” - the Minister said.
During the period of implementation of the Government Program (from 2015 to 2018), 404 projects have been implemented for the amount of KZT230 billion. 3259.7 km of heat distribution, water supply and drainage networks, 24 boiler houses, 71 other facilities have been constructed. As a result of the measures taken, starting from 2015 wear of the utilities network decreased from 67% to 57%. In 2019, KZT 37.9 billion has been provided for the reconstruction and construction of 175 km of utilities network. Annually, additional financial resources in the amount of KZT 20 billion will be allocated to solve the most burning issues of water supply and sewage system.
According to the Minister, the economy of Kazakhstan has gained a significant socio-economic effect from the implementation of the Nurly Zhol Program. The condition of transport infrastructure has been improved; the capacity of the republican roads, main railway networks, and logistic infrastructure has been increased. Transport accessibility for the population has enhanced and transport costs reduced for business enterprises.
“The implementation of the Program allowed not only maintaining, but also increasing the growth of macroeconomic indicators in the transport sector. Last year alone, real growth in investments in the fixed assets came to 6.1% and amounted to about KZT1.5 trillion. The volume of transport services has increased by 4.6%, and the labor productivity rose by 3.4%. During the implementation of all projects in the transport area, 127,000 temporary jobs and about 34,000 permanent jobs have been created” –Roman Sklyar said speaking about the achievements of the program.
Further implementation of the tasks set for the transport industry development will be included in the Nurly Zhol Government Program until 2025. The new Program’s Infrastructure Development Policy will be based on the principles of social orientation towards improving the quality of life of the population with a focus on the regional and district levels, the development of transport infrastructure in the context of integrating various types of transport into a single system, as well as prioritizing solutions based on intelligent technologies, digitalization and integration into global systems. Today, the Ministry develops a Concept which is expected to be adopted by the end of the year.