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Officers of the Committee for Roads took part in «Conference on Cooperation of thematic consulting companies from Turkic-speaking countries»

«Conference on Cooperation of thematic consulting companies from Turkic-speaking countries» was held on April 27 – 28 in Ankara.

The purpose of the conference was sharing of best practices between associations of consulting engineers and companies from Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, as well as appropriate government bodies and agencies, which are responsible for investment and project financing.

During the conference presentations were made by the Association of Consulting Engineers of the participating countries, as well as reports of government bodies and agencies.

Committee for Roads presented the report regarding realized road projects, tasks in the transport infrastructure, experience in application of FIDIC contracts in Kazakhstan.

Workshops, trainings, seminars and a technical tour on the Eurasian tunnel were held within the framework of the conference. Problems and perspectives of the application of FIDIC contracts in Turkic-speaking countries, the opportunities for creating regional and international strategic partnerships between consulting engineering companies to improve their competitiveness in international projects were discussed there.

During the conference the participants got familiar with the achievements in the field of innovation, in the field of construction and operation of roads and the use of new materials.

Execution of such events has a positive impact on building and expansion of cooperation, work, sharing of best practices and the promotion of the development and integration of countries road industry.

For reference: FIDIC is the International Federation of Engineering Consultants with headquarters in Switzerland, which has its long-standing rules, developed back in 1948. The organization develops standard specifications of contracts to regulate relations between participants of construction projects. Contracts of the organization provide a balance of interests of the parties in construction projects: the contractor and the employer.

FIDIC unites more than 75 national associations of consulting engineers all over the world. The organization pursues a policy of globalization, sustainable development and an integrative understanding of business.




«Важное значение имеет завершение строительства казахстанского участка международного автомобильного коридора «Западная Европа - Западный Китай». Это действительно народная стройка века».
«Мы ставили задачу развивать инфраструктуру. И это оказалось нам по силам. В настоящее время мы возрождаем Новый Шелковый путь. Мы открыли доступ к странам Персидского залива и Большого Востока. Мы распахнули восточные ворота, проложив путь на рынки Китая и всего Азиатского континента». «Стратегия «Казахстан-2050».
Послание Первого Президента РК - Елбасы, 2012 г.





«Исполнительной власти нужна полная, качественная программа «Нурлы Жол». Это стратегический проект, благодаря которой будет затронута вся транспортная инфраструктура».





Стратегия 2050





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Проекты "Нурлы жол"
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