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BNews.kz website: www.bnews.kz. Campings along WE-WC corridor will be constructed by the end of 2015

Campings along Western Europe – Western China corridor will be constructd by the end of 2015. This was reported during the Governmental hour in Mazhilis of Parliament of RoK by deputy Prime Minister RoK – Minister of Industry and New Technologies Mr. Asset Issekeshev, informs BNews.kz correspondent.

“There are subplans in our programs. There is a subplan “Roadside infrastructure development ” under The Western Europe – Western China project. There will be big campings, including motels, petrol stations and so on in every defenite distance of 50 km. And every 30 km ther will be small petrol stations, toilets, roadside services”, - reported Mr. Asset Issekeshev. 

“We think that to the moment of completion of this big supercorridor all these tourist facilities will be constructed till the end of 2015, at most in 2016”, - he added. 

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