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BNews.kz website: www.bnews.kz From 2016 "Western Europe - Western China" transport corridor will become toll road

"Western Europe - Western China" transport corridor will become toll road. From 2016 travelling using republican highways in Kazakhstan will be charged, informs Otyrar.kz.

The payment is introduced in order to cover the costs of construction and maintenance of road infrastructure. According to the Director of South-Kazakhstan regional branch of the National Company "KazAvtoZhol" Mr. Mukhtar Duissenbekov, the tariff will vary depending on the vehicle class and weight. Thus, charges for passenger and freight transport will be higher than for light vehicle.

"Light vehicle driver will pay about one tenge per kilometer. Overall for 200 tenge one can drive up to 160 kilometers of the highway. Separate tariffs will be set for passenger transport running in these directions - from one to five tenge. Of course, it’s cheaper to pay a fee once per month - 5000 tenge"- said Mr. Mukhtar Duissenbekov.

It is worth noting that 224 kilometers of "Western Europe - Western China" transit corridor road was put into operation in South Kazakhstan. At present the construction of highways in areas of Shymkent - Taraz, Shymkent – Tashkent is being carried out. Putting into operation of toll sustem is planned to 2022. It is planned that around 600 toll collection points will be operating on roads.

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