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BNews.kz website: «www.bnews.kz» Roadside service facilities formation started on 33 sections of "WE-WC" in Kyzylorda region

Construction of more than thirty roadside service facilities along "Western Europe - Western China" international transport corridor started in Kyzylorda region, reports BNews.kz correspondent.

Last year Kyzylorda section of "Western Europe - Western China" highway - it is 812 kilometers, has been almost completed. To date, creation of roadside service has commenced under 33 sections of the road.

Some facilities have already put into operation. According to the regional akimat "Centre of pilgrimage of Korkyt ata" opened in Karmakshy region, the first roadside service complexes have started their work in Shieli and Zhanakorgan regions. "KazMunaiGas Onimderi" company expressed the intention to build five gas stations along the highway, and one of them has already been put into operation.

This year implementation of another major infrastructure project will begin. By the way, akim Krymbek Kusherbayev mentioned about this project in his report to the population.

Construction of "Kyzylorda-Zhezkazgan" road under "Nurly Zhol" infrastructure development state program will begin in the current year, he said. - A pool of our companies, potential contractors for the project has already been formed. The construction of this road will employ about 600 people."

Earlier municipal board of Kyzylorda region approved design of five roadside service facilities, which entrepreneurs will construct along "Western Europe - Western China" international highway.

Also, in February 2, 2015 Mr. Zhenis Kasymbek, First Deputy Minister for Investment and Development of the RK, during the expanded meeting of the Committee for Economic Reform and Regional Development of the RK informed that the work on 144 kilometers of "Western Europe - Western China" highway will be completed this year.

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