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BNews.kz website: www.bnews.kz. Mini dairy farms will appear along Western Europe – Western China road

Mini Dairy farms will be along "Western Europe-Western China" road. This was reported during a briefing at the office of the Central Communication services of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan 'On the socio-economic development of the region, implementation of public and industrial programs" by Mr. Karim Kokrekbayev, Akim of Zhambyl region, delivers BNews.kz correspondent.

"Livestock farming is dynamically developing. Production of meat, milk and number of all kinds of livestock (except poultry and pigs) is growing. At the same time, there is a low level of milk and milk products (workload in meat processing enterprises is 60%, and dairy - 30% ") in the region - said Mr. Karim Kokrekbayev.

According to him special emphasis will be on attracting investment for the agricultural sector in the coming years. So, investments from Malaysia and Hungary will be attracted for growing of cattle, as well as to create 83 mini dairy farms along the "Western Europe - Western China" highway.

"In addition, we plan to open 145 milk collection points. This year, the Agricultiral production cooperative "Taraz" purchased equipment (for 117 million tenge) for the 27 collection points. Thanks to the measures taken in 2020 the volume of meat production will increase to 82 thousand tons (2013 - 59 thousand tons), or 40%, the volume of milk production to 325 thousand. tons (2013 - 267 thousand tons), or 20%, "- delivered akim.

In addition, he noted that import for 7 months in 2014 in the region are as follows: meat - 0.3 million USD, and dairy products - 5.3 million USD.

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