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Newspaper “Znamya truda” (Taraz). Contractors are ready to continue construction of transit corridor 

46 billion tenge has been planned to disburse in 2011 for Zhambyl section of the construction for International Road “Western Europe – Western China”, which allows to carry out coating of 310 kilometers for roads. Department of the Committee for Roads of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the RK for Zhambyl Oblast has informed about that.

It became known that procurement of not less than 50% of annual demand in road-building materials was planned to provide before the commencement of the construction season.

At present the Contractors have procured more than 440 thousand cubic meters of crushed stone, which corresponds to 40 percent of annual demand, more than 2 million cubic meters of gravel-sand mix (62% of annual demand), 13 thousand cubic meters of reinforced concrete (86% of annual demand).

Overall 20 kilometers of base course and about 6 kilometers of surface course, as well as 60 kilometers of cement concrete coating have been arranged at the moment.

Thoroughfare, as newspaper “Znamya truda” has already informed, has been opened for 50 kilometers of new roads. 

Also, at present the Contractors execute works on repair of 7 bridges, 5 overpasses and one interchange. 

We would like to remind you that transcontinental road Western Europe – Western China is one of the principal projects of the republic, and due to the project hundreds of Zmabyl citizens have got working places with high salary. In addition, tax payments into budget have been increased, and administration of Akimat gives a new task this year: materials, used for road construction, should be purchased in our region.

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