Негiзгi > Пресс-орталық > Mass media about the project > Kazakhstanskaya pravda. National construction is “in full swing”. The largest Project of Transport Branch, included into the Map of industrialization, is the Reconstruction of International Transit Corridor “Western Europe – Western China”
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Kazakhstanskaya pravda. National construction is “in full swing”. The largest Project of Transport Branch, included into the Map of industrialization, is the Reconstruction of International Transit Corridor “Western Europe – Western China”

The largest Project of Transport Branch, included into the Map of industrialization, is the Reconstruction of International Transit Corridor “Western Europe – Western China”, reviving Great Silk Way. Large-scale project is of great importance not only for branch, but overall for the republic, as it provides economical development of five regions, on the territory of which “construction of century” has been executed, creating tens of thousands working places, serves as an impulse for the development of small and medium businesses, service industry, tourism and other spheres of economy.

Overall length of the corridor throughout the republic is 2 787 km. Реконструкции подлежат 2 452 km of the road, including in Aktobe Oblast – 355 km, Kyzylorda Oblast – 812 km, SKO – 448 km, Zhambyl Oblast – 495 km and Almaty Oblast – 342 km.
Agreements for Loans for the amount of $3 002 million with such International Financial Institutions, as European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (for the amount of $180 million), International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ($2 125 million), Asian Bank for Development ($340 million), Islamic Bank for Development ($170 million) have been signed and ratified for financial provision of the Project.
17 Main Contractors (including 3 Kazakhstani companies) and about 98 home Subcontractors have been involved in the largest object.
Policy on the increase of Kazakhstan meaning has brought tangible results during public construction. It allowed home business owners to restore and start manufacturing of reinforced concrete product at the plants of the cities Kyzylorda, Taraz and Kazaly village in Kyzylorda Oblast, bitumen at small plants in Kyzylorda and Shymkent. Cement plants of Semei, Shymkent, Pavlodar oil-processing plant, 10 enterprises of small and medium business, manufacturing elements of road beautification, have increased their productive capacity.
Over 20 million cubic meters of inert materials and ground were processed last year; meanwhile Kazakhstan meaning was 89%.

Great attention has been also paid to the quality control of road construction works, which execute 11 international companies, implementing technological supervision, and 3 international companies on project management, regional departments, Oblzhollaboratories. In addition, specialists of State Archeological Construction Control monitor the work on continuing basis, as well as independent laboratories.

1 000 km of coating has been planned to arrange in the current year. Overall passage throughout the Corridor “Western Europe – Western China” has been planned to open to the end of 2012 and to complete the Project in 2013, equipping the road with necessary facilities and revegetating lands.

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