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Website of MID RoK www.mid.gov.kz. Asset Issekeshev got acquainted with "Western Europe - Western China" corridor construction progress

The minister of investments and development Asset Issekeshev hold an offsite meeting in SKO on the matters “Shymkent-Taraz” section construction of “Western Europe-Western China” corridor. From the commencement of project implementation the works are completed on 2 028 km and traffic is opened from Shymkent to border of the RF with the exit to Orenburg and Taraz-Almaty section.   

“This year we will complete this project. Everything moves on time. We make a huge work. In general, road construction involve about 100 thousand people from all the country”, - pointed out the minister.  

The minister called attention to solution of 4 matters: timely payment of salaries to workers, observance of a deadline and quality of road constructions and correspondent infrastructure, a safe cattle crossing arrangement. Besides, the Minister Asset Issekeshev paid attention of the oblast management to an early work commencement on creation of roadside infrastructure in accordance with international standards. 

Length of WE-WC corridor in South Kazakhstan oblast is about 421 km. As of today works are completed under Kyzylorda oblast-Turkestan-Shymkent section (240 km), which are under defects liability period.

Construction works are in progress on Shymkent-Tashkent (100 km) and Shymkent-Zhambyl oblast border (81 km) road that are separated into 5 construction sections. Works on sections are performed according to the work program.

According to the results of the year all sections will be fully completed, including the tunnel across the Shakpak Baba pass with the length of 900 meters. 

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