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Website www.bnews.kz. Works fully completed in the Kyzylorda section of “WE - WC" corridor

Pavement works are fully completed on 812 kilometers of Kyzylorda section of "Western Europe - Western China" international highway, BNews.kz correspondent reports.

As reported in the regional branch of JSC "NC" KazAvtoZhol", "Western Europe - Western China" project in Kyzylorda region supposed reconstruction of "Samara - Shymkent" highway on km 1240 - 2057, with the total length of 812 kilometers. Of these, 246 kilometers is the first technical category road, 566 kilometers is of the second category. In 2013 and 2014 the reconstruction of 763 kilometers of "Samara - Shymkent" highway has been completed. Last year, works were completed on km 1702 - 1752, with the total length of 49 kilometers.

At the moment, work at the 812 kilometers of the road are fully completed passing through the territory of Kyzylorda region, upper layer from crushed stone mastic asphalt have been constructed. Among other things, 63 bridges and overpasses, 348 culverts, 81 cattlepasses, 13 two-level transport interchanges, 2 railway junctions have been constructed.

By the way, now the task is to constrcut roadside service to provide tourist attractiveness of the region along the “WE - WC" corridor.

"Along this road in the territory of Kyzylorda region works on the establishment of 33 service infrastructure facilities were commenced" - said the head of the regional business and tourism Miras Tulebayev.

The formation of the transport and logistics network in the framework of state programs and local projects is actively ging on in the Aral Sea region.

"Last year, for the reconstruction, overhaul, medium and minor repair works of regional and district roads, streets of settlements, construction and repair of bridges, as well as for the development of design and estimate documentation, 6.3 billion tenge was allocated - shared akim of Kyzylorda oblast Krymbek Kusherbayev. - 122 kilometers of roads and streets were repaired. Four bridges on the regional roads were repaired. Streets of Zhankozha Batyr village in Kazaly district and Akzharma village of Zhalagash district were overhauled. After reconstruction in Kyzylorda itself, Toraigyrov street changed beyond recognition. For this project implementation 1 billion 143 million tenge were allocated from the regional budget".

Mariana Kassimova, Kyzylorda region

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