Overall for oblast, including “Temirlan By-pass” of Ordabassy district of South-Kazakhstan Oblast, 920 land plots and assets with total area of 638 ha were subject to purchase. At present 48 land plots and assets with total area of 46 ha remain for purchase.
For new road section of the highway “Shymkent – Border of Zhambyl Oblast”, which will pass through the territory of Sairam and Tyulkubas districts of South-Kazakhstan Oblast, 587 more land plots and assets with total area of 243 ha are subject to purchase.
South-Kazakhstan Regional department for Roads of the Ministry of Transport and Communications has already conducted tender for legal assistance of the above land plots and assets. At present their segmentation and evaluation are in progress.
Reference: Aiming at regulating of matters regarding resettlement and land acquisition for the construction of the corridor, the Resettlement Action Plan was developed and approved by the World Bank. Policy of the World Bank for Involuntary Resettlement, Policy Framework for Involuntary Resettlement of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008) have been underlied in it, including Legal Framework and Action Plan, Land Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This document represents by itself the smooth-running actions for indemnification of the losses incurred from implementation of the Project in accordance with present Kazakhstan Legislation and Policy of the World Bank.
[1] http://silk-road.kz/sites/default/files/SAM_0903.JPG
[2] http://silk-road.kz/en/press-centre/3/11