Home > Press-centre > Mass media about the project > KazInform”. 181.8 billion tenge has been provided for the highway construction “Western Europe – Western China” on the territory of Kyzylorda oblast
Mass media about the project

KazInform”. 181.8 billion tenge has been provided for the highway construction “Western Europe – Western China” on the territory of Kyzylorda oblast
Loan in the amount of 181.8 billion tenge has been foresighted by International Bank of Reconstruction and Development for construction works of the part of the highway “Western Europe – Western China”, passing through the territory of Kyzylorda oblast for the period of 3 years.
Today 4 general contractors - 3 Italian and 1 Turkish-Azerbaidjan companies - are working for reconstruction of 787 km of the embankment in oblast. They opened their branches, signed contracts with 20 subcontractors. Five of them are local partnerships.
1 718 units of road equipment have been involved in the construction works now, its number will be increased to 3 700 till the end of the year. At present 3 848 people have been employed on the road, which will connect 3 countries, including 2 149 local specialists. More 15 thousand people will find the job here soon.
/Ruslan Igilik/