KazAutoZhol JSC website: www.kazautozhol.kz
The general contractor is "Salini" JSC. The section is divided into 5 lots, a total length of 409 km.
Since the beginning of the project it has been carried out:
- Base coarse - 409 km;
- Wearing coarse - 409 km;
- CSMA pavement - 362 km.
Remaining work at the moment is:
- CSMA pavement - 47 km (lot 2 km 1330-1398 - 10 km; Lot 4 km 1498-1578 - 37 km).
In general, road-construction work on the section km 1240-1650 is coming to completion.
To date, works on filling and shoulder protection, on the main road junctions, intersections and rest areas are being carried out. Installation of road signs, construction of rest areas, road marking is proceeding.
Shoulder protection. Lot № 1 km 1240 -1330.
Road marking (second laying). Lot № 1 km 1240 -1330.
Shoulder protection. Lot № 1 km 1240 -1330.
Also works of site facilities continue in the RMD complex. Preparatory works for pavement laying, ventilation, lighting is being carries out.
Exterior finish of boiler-house and diesel buildings. Lot № 1 km 1240 -1330.
Frame for flyover. Lot № 1 km 1240 -1330.
At section km 1330-1398 (lot No. 2) construction of binding and wearing coarse at junctions and intersections is continuing, shoulders on the approaches and ramps of the overpass are being reinforced, the trench construction and laying of electrical cables at the ramps of the overpass, fencing at cattlepasses, guardrailing on main roads and strengthening of culverts slopes are being carried out. Work has started on strengthening of overpass cones. Remaining works under SMA construction is 10 km.
Binding and wearing coarse arrangement at junctions and intersection. Lot № 2 km 1330-1398.
Culvert and cattlepass slope protection. Lot № 2 km 1330-1398.
Guardrail construction on main road. Lot № 2 km 1330-1398.
Preparation of base Preparation of base under fire tanks. Lot № 2 km 1330-1398.
Arrangement of base. Traffic police chekpoint. Lot № 2 km 1330-1398.
In addition, section km 1240-1650 of "Western Europe - Western China" international transport corridor is scheduled to be commissioned before the end of this year.